Monday 28 February 2011

Ends does not justify the means

There are two ways of reaching goals. The good way, reaching goals based on proper considerations and the other way is to reach its goals without any thought on the means. Human rights intervention by the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq does not justify their reason to intervene these countries. It is very unlikely that they do it under the reason of to assist the public to reach consensus on democratic country.  Being the power house in the United Nation, they have abused the power and bring chaos to the countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq.  The only benefit to the locals is they get to throw their leader out of the president chair. There are more harm to the society than goods.

The administration gets more chaotic than ever. The locals are not satisfied with the useless intervention. Poverty rate has been increasing year by year which leads to less Gross Domestic Product and eventually decreasing the country’s economic power. The locals had to migrate to other countries for sustainability. These severe effects are harmful to the countries development. The United States has agreed to pass the power to the local government by strengthen their army position in the countries under certain circumstances. They said that this would be a module for the local government to follow.

What the United States is doing is not called human intervention but rather a crook trying to justify the reasons of them breaking other houses. This is not humanitarian intervention. This is an abused of states sovereign owned by Afghanistan and Iraq. it is imperative to bare in mind that the notion of suitable and qualified leader are the rights for the locals, not some stranger who their intervention defeats the purpose of assisting the countries in changing their geo-political state. The purpose of intervening does not allow power house to justify their means in reaching the goals.

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