Tuesday 15 March 2011

Young grads sell bodies for easy money

Selling bodies has become a common trade in today’s society. The moral value of new generation has been decreasing ever since the cost of living increase although efforts of instilling values through education has been put up by many parties such as the government, parents and society itself.
            This issue has signified nothing but failures of the various parties and the individual as well to fulfill their responsibilities of roles. The root of the problem is caused by high cost of living, fast forward moving world and easy currency. It has becoming more and more materialize to achieve the power of money as today’s society have shown that money is everything by idolizing branded things, corrupted leaders with pocket full of money and excessive advertisements of today’s needs. Apart from that, the development of the internet has further exacerbated the condition by being an advantageous medium in selling their bodies.
            The expansion of the internet has been the measure of today’s advanced world. It is beneficial to the society in terms of providing vast knowledge to us as well as source of income to some of the society. Some of them feed their self interest in gaining lucrative income through social networking such as selling obscene photos of themselves and offering massage services. This trend is bad for the societal development as it would grow into uncivilized society because of the immorality and unethical portrayed by some of the money hungry people. Apart from that, the new generation would be lack of responsibility in fulfilling their obligations as responsible individual but rather be an individualistic and self-absorbed person. This would lead to more corrupted people running the country and oppression to people’s right when their rights of having better life are being taken away from them.
            Intellectual has been demeaned to lower level since money has become the chief target of these young grads and this shows that the education system is not doing at its best to provide morale education to the students. However, education can mean informal and forma education. In terms of informal education, the responsibility lies on the parents and individuals whereas for formal education, the burden of teaching lies on the government efforts to provide the most effective education system to its people. Apart from that, government policies regarding the internet or technology could also affect the young grads. As an illustration, lenient action against those who commit deviant in cyber world has led to this byproduct.
            Parents are also responsible in playing a pivotal role in instilling moral values in the children. According to Freud, the most crucial age for children to develop their habits is at the age of one to six, indicating that this is the period where they would absorb most of their habit when they grow up. This is the period where parents should be busy educating their children. Looking at today’s situation, the parents are busy feeding the children with money by spending most of their time at work. Hence, painting the children’s attitude starts from the beginning of their age in order for them to develop high moral values and to appreciate the value of education more than mere money.

Moving on to the next responsibility of burden is the individual itself. The role of educating oneself of the discipline is up to the individual as they are the ones who make choices. One must know what they are allowed to do and not to do. This can be achieved from the initiatives they make to develop themselves to be a better person such as going for talks or watch informational TV programme. The realization that money cannot buy dignity must be instilled in oneself and that making easy lucrative earnings such as through social network is cheap way of telling the price of oneselves. Thus, the individual itself must be wise in evaluating the value of intellectual, money or the consequences of their actions.     
It is important to acknowledge that money is as important for survival kit but it is naught when compared to conscience, values and intellectual as the three elements would classify a person’s worth of living. It is also important to acknowledge what the Internet has brought to the world but the ability to differentiate the harm and benefit it could bring is vital. Each parties must hold their true responsibilities for themselves and also to others.   


Analisis Artikel Kesan Kebiadaban Dunia Siber

            Artikel ‘kesan kebiadaban dunia siber’ hasil tulisan Dr Rahmat Ghazalli yang bertarikh 18 April 2010 telah menarik perhatian ramai berhubung sumbangan dunia siber dalam menghasilkan masyarakat yang biadap dalam mengekspresi idea mereka. Dalam artikel tersebut, penulis telah menjelaskan beberapa perkara termasuk salah faham yang timbul dalam masyarakat berhubung dengan terminologi kebebasan siber atau internet. Ini sememangnya benar jika dilihat dari perspektif penggunaan bahasa yang tidak lansung melambangkan budi bahasa masyarakat Malaysia. Keadaan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh ketidakpuasan hati oleh sebilangan masyarakat. Oleh kerana ketiadaan sumber lain yang boleh mengetengahkan emosi dan pendapat radikal mereka,  sesetengahnya berpaling kepada dunia siber yang boleh menjanjikan mereka kebebsan tanpa kekangan dalam menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Perkara ini menyebabkan mereka sama ada alpa tentang akta media seperti Akta Fitnah dan Akta Hasutan atau kerana kurangnya pengetahuan mereka dalam bidang undang-undang.
            Sikap yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini menjadi petanda bahawa masih ada segelintir masyarakat yang mahu pendapat mereka didengari oleh kerajaan. Malangnya ia dilakukan dengan cara yang tidak beradap. Oleh itu, ia seolah-olah dilihat sebagai satu bangkangan terhadap usaha kerajaan untuk mengharmonikan keadaan sosial di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak dapat dinafikan ada pihak yang mahu mengambil kesempatan dengan mengagalkan usaha harmoni kerajaan. Ini mungkin disebabkan sentimen perkauman yang dipupuk sejak kecil atau dalam istilah sosiologi ia disebut etnosentrik. Perkara ini mungkin dapat dikurangkan melalui pendidikan sama ada secara rasmi atau tidak rasmi dalam memupuk semangat bersatu padu. Cara in imungkin mengambil masa yang lebih lama berbanding kempen budi bahasa namun ia lebih efektif dalam menerapkan nilai murni dalam diri kanak-kanak atau generasi muda. Sebelum itu, terdapat beberapa langkah yang harus diambil bagi mencapai objektif ini terutama sekali dari segi ekonomi dan strata sosial yang semakin lama semakin menjarak di antara kaum.
            Dalam artikel tersebut, penulis juga melakukan kajian yang diperoleh dari enjin carian Google yang mempamerkan ratusan ribu caci–maki antara kaum. Kajian ini boleh dilihat dari sudut positif oleh kerajaan dengan mengambil statistik ini sebagai kayu ukur sejauh mana perpaduan kaum di Malaysia dan sejauh mana keberkesanan kempen 1Malaysia yang diuar-uarkan oleh pihak kerajaan yang boleh diterjemahkan sebagai efektif. Oleh itu, kerajaan harus mengambil langkah drastik untuk melaksanakan usaha yang lebih bagi mencapai objektif utama wawasan 1Malaysia. Sebagai contoh, kerajaan boleh mempamerkan penghargaan dalam hak-hak dan sumbangan kaum yang lain seperti insentif pendidikan. Selain itu, kerajaan boleh mewujudkan satu medium di mana masyarakat boleh menyuarakan pendapat mereka tanpa rasa gusar. Usaha ini haruslah telus dan bukan demi kepentingan politik semata-mata.
            Kebebasan berinteraksi dalam dunia siber haruslah dipandang secara serius dan bukannnya tempat untuk melampiaskan rasa tidak puas hati atau amarah yang terpendam. Cara ini hanya akan memburukkan lagi keadaan perpaduan kaum di Malaysia. Individu perlu ada etika yang dipegang sebagai sandaran bagi mempamerkan ketamadunan manusia. Malah, usaha kerajaan dalam mengurangkan kekangan bersuara kepada rakyat harus dipuji dan digunakan dengan wajar bagi kebaikan semua.

Online Journalism and Human Rights


Online journalism can be classified in the fifth estate as it uses the Internet as its main medium of conveying information and news. Globalization has managed to open the door for online journalism to participate in sharing the responsibility of the media such as the watchdog and whistleblower. It is a vital role played by this type of media in fulfilling their obligations to the society. The traditional media has been a rigid information source and closely scrutinized by the authorities, the public have turned to alternative media for uncensored information in order for them to be critical in their opinion as well as being objective in making any personal decision.

According to Article 19, Universal Declarations of Human Rights, everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Align with the subject mattered in Article 19, online journalism is applying it in upholding and protecting the human rights by providing adequate information needed by the society. Hence, there are imperative issues related to human rights have been brought up by the alternative media that gave huge impact to the community such as WikiLeaks controversial in exposing official secret documents to the public. This is important for the public’s knowledge for them to start to pay attention on their human rights in their country.

Definition of online journalism and human rights
Online journalism is defined as reporting and other journalism produced or distributed via the Internet (Fact-Archive.com, 2005). Online journalism could vary from distributing news through websites or one of the most prevalent online journalism is blogging. Blogging is a form of medium where the news is written and sometimes provides analysis of certain events through the eye of the writer. One of the earliest sites specializing in linking news sources was links.net which was created in 1994 by Justin Hall (Radcliffe, 2008). The general idea of typical online journalism is that the journalists have to make decisions on which media formats effectively conveyed the message, allow interactivity with the public’s respond, consider ways hyperlink the stories with other resources (Deuze, 2001). In respond to this typical functional idea, online journalism has developed its functions to fulfilling the social responsibility due to the lack of freedom of expression in the traditional media as the journalists are not allowed to express their own ideas but rather to succumb to the agenda setting of the media organization of traditional media.
As mentioned in precedent paragraph, online journalism is using its vast ability of providing information to the public as social responsibility in tandem with protecting the human rights legitimately owned by the society. Human rights according to the United Nation is the rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. These rights are ranged from article 1 to article 30 which specifies on different matters. It is developed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 (un.org, 2011). Relation to online journalism, article 19 has specifically touched on the freedom of opinion and expression as well as the right to access information without of the frontiers.
Online Journalism, whistleblower and protecting human rights
Journalism has obligation to its infamous role as the watchdog and whistleblower to the public. It means should there be any misused of power by the authorities, the media would act as whistleblower that would inform the public of the scenario. This is a crucial role as check and balance of the authorities. Subsequently, it would lead to protecting human rights of the society in terms of indicating the public of problems which arose in the administration such as corruption and eventually protecting the welfare of the people. There are many cases which involves the exposure of corruption. It happens due to the non transparency of administration’s transition in handling the currency in the country. Lack of information or biased information is a sign of oppressing the human rights deserved for the society as well as preventing the society to choose a better government to feed their needs.
There are websites designed specifically to act as whistleblower, such as WikiLeaks, Pinoyleaks, Thaileaks and Indoleaks. This websites are purposely designed to distribute any information obtained from the sources regarding the misused of power of the authorities. Apart from that, there are also blogs as means of expressing opinion freely. Prof. Nagwa Fahmy (2010) proposed in her research that blogs act as a promoting digital democracy and defending human rights, with implication on developing the public sphere. This is supported by Mckee (2005) that internet accessibility made the blogs as vital communication tool for information and ideas to be informed and interact. Therefore, it creates public awareness and involvement in local issues that consequently would mobilize their country towards democratization which shows a form of protecting the citizens human rights.
Study Case: Revolution of Egypt 
The Egyptians has brought shocked to the world when they protested to overrule the Hosni Mubarak’s reign for 33 years and online journalism has everything got to do with it. In Egypt, the New Social Movement activists has moved online in discussing matters on politics, economics, human rights and social issues that are overlooked by Egypt’s mainstream media in blogs (Nagwa, 2010). Blogs has been the battle field of modern Egyptians for democracy and political reform as well as engaging in social movements. Activist-bloggers extended their blog’s function to the street as they use it to mobilize their supporters and demonstrate for political change and reform (Nagwa, 2010). The recent event of blog activities has caused the Egyptians to protests against their government and demanded resignation from Hosni Mubarak. Eventually, Egypt now has achieved democracy in their country and their human rights are being uphold caused by online journalism.
Online journalism cannot be seen as a moderate medium in instilling public awareness as it has developed its function into shaping the public’s opinion. It has even brought revolution to a country. It is also best to remember, if the medium of online journalism is being used to its maximum with positivity, upholding human rights is no longer an obstacle against misused of power and oppression.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Time flies so be patient.

Let the time fix everything you cant. it is not easy but certainly the only you can do to sooth your entanglement.be patient.